
Lithuania is a high-income advanced economy with a very high Human Development Index, a very high standard of living and performs favorably in measurements of civil liberties, press freedom, internet freedom, democratic governance and peacefulness.

As World War I neared its end, Lithuania's Act of Independence was signed on 16 February 1918, declaring the founding of the modern Republic of Lithuania.

Healthcare budget

$2.8 billion


2.8 million

GDP per capita




World Ranking

GDP 76nd

Statistics as April 21st 2021

Lithuania healthcare

Lithuania has an excellent modern state healthcare system, funded by the government through a national health insurance scheme. All employers must register employees to the scheme, and their family members will then automatically be covered. Disadvantaged groups, such as the elderly and the long-term sick, do not have to contribute but are still covered by the scheme.

Healthcare, including emergency treatment, is free at the point of delivery, with the standard system of GP referrals for non-urgent cases. European citizens carrying the EHIC card can get free access to healthcare in Lithuania on production of their card and their passport. The standard of many local hospitals is still poor but getting better since the government prioritizes funding for health.

Lithuanian pharmaceutical environment

Lithuania have signed the Joint Baltic Drug Procurement Agreement. This agreement may increase the volume of ordered medicines, thus attracting interest from more pharmaceutical companies to participate in tenders and putting manufacturers under pressure to offer discounts on pharmaceutical prices.

Todays challenges

Today Lithuania has a considerably higher number of physicians than the EU average, but also a slightly lower number of nurses compared to the EU average. Lithuania has experienced a large outflow of medical staff just like its neighboring countries, since they joined the EU in 2004. In spite of this, Lithuania has so far maintained a high number of physicians, mainly by increasing the number of graduates. The main challenges are the uneven distribution of doctors across the country with especially fewer GP’s available in rural areas, the ageing of the health workforce and emigration.

The experts in Lithuania

Karin Torberger & Clas Lindbergson

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Sales and Marketing

Entering the European market is not easy. Up to 51 countries with different healthcare systems. What is your strategy? Apart from the Big-5, what do you do with the other 28 countries? We offer a solution for 28 countries. Sales and marketing is our core business.

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We manage, through our logistic partners with their regional warehouses, the distribution to our region (28 countries). They have the capability to handle the most demanding of specialized product order management, storage, handling and distribution requirements.

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Early Market Research

You know that market research is critical. It provides customer insights, competitive intelligence, behavioural tendencies, and product positioning. And market research increasingly is becoming an important component for linking R&D and marketing teams.

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Market Access

Achieving reimbursement and getting the right price are the 2 most important drivers for a successful launch of an innovative pharmaceuticals in our part of Europe. Health Authorities in any European country decide individually based on their local regulations, policies, framework, social values and available health care budget.

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Market Authorisation

Unlike other regions, in the EU a number of options is available to obtain a marketing authorisation. Centralised at the European Medicines Agency in Amsterdam or decentralised with the individual competent authorities of the member states, each marketing authorisation application procedure has its pros and cons. In the case of Switzerland, it has its own regulatory authority, Swissmedic, and processes.

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Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine-related problem.

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